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Get Back Up and Get Moving

Magier Physical Therapy  provides one-on-one physical therapy in the comfort of your own home. Our Team will design individualized programs to help you achieve all of your goals and maximize your abilities.

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Health Comes First

In Good Hands


At Magier Physical Therapy we have extensive experience helping our patients maintain active lifestyle throughout their retirement.  As we age, the fear of falls due to balance deficits, strength decline, arthritis and other chronic diseases prevents us from participating in the social activities.  By utilizing therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular reeducation and balance training; our patients learn the necessary techniques to prevent falls and injury, and ensure patients remain engaged in their daily lives.


By providing both pre-op and post-op care, our patients are prepared to recover from their procedure seamlessly and pain free; accelerating their return to normal daily activities. As certified Orthopedic Manual Therapists, we take a hands-on approach along with therapeutic exercises and activities. Patients are educated about their bodies limitations and given an individualized program that will gradually improve range of motion, muscle strength, and stability for a faster and more complete recovery so you can re-engage in your life.

Senior Physiotherapy


Whether you are suffering from a debilitating condition, such as Parkinson's Disease, Cerebral Palsy, or experienced a stroke, or other type of neurological condition, we are here to help. Our patients learn strategies to cope with their conditions, maximizing their quality of life.


Our physical therapy services offer undeniable value when treating musculoskeletal pain or injuries. Musculoskeletal injuries involve the muscles, bones, ligaments, fascias and tendons. It is suitable for medical conditions such as fractures, sprains, tendonitis, bursitis and chronic medical problems.

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